Thorntale Blog
We’re the world’s premier data visualization team. Read about what we’re up to.
New Templates and Editing Experience
We've completely revamped our Presentation Templates to be more powerful, flexible, and discoverable.
We've also improved the editing experience, allowing you to style your slides how you like while our design system keeps everything feeling unified and professional.

Send Better Emails!
The more touchpoints you have with your customer, the better. Emails are a great way to build keep communication flowing between meetings, but only if they're engaging, professional, and don't take forever to write.
That's why we built Email Integration directly into Thorntale; send your report to your customers with a click of a button.

Building the World's Best Charts
At Thorntale, storytelling with data is the priority, so we needed to make charts look as good as the rest of your content. We knew that choosing some off-the-shelf charting engine wasn't going to be good enough.
Instead, Thorntale is building the world's best charting engine, from scratch.