Our Team

We're data people, who are building Thorntale so everyone can communicate effectively.

John Stimac
Co-Founder & CPO
‍Previously: Y

Frontend, Backend, & Data Engineering

Dori Wilson
Co-Founder & CEO
Previously: Uber, CircleCi, Mux, Pave, and
The Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

Data scientist turned CEO. I used to code, now I tell stories and do office work.

Ellen Hui
Co-Founder & CTO
Previously: Microsoft, Cruise, Mux

Backend & Infrastructure Engineering


Tell a compelling story

Gone are the days of nudging that text box one pixel to the left. Focus on the content, and let us worry about the design.


One document, two ways to view

Create one document, and have it be viewed in multiple formats. Present slides for your CEO and let your team read the full report.


Don’t get lost in versioning

Snapshot your documents. Recurring presentations are one document, not six, so you can easily find past versions when you need them.


Stop Screenshotting, Start Connecting

Connect to live data. Embed a chart from Tableau, Looker, or Excel. The source is just one click away.

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